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В Петербурге сегодня похоронили Марину Салье

По образованию Марина Салье была геологом, доктором геолого-минералогических наук.

В политику она пришла еще в 80-х годах, став одним из создателей и лидеров «Ленинградского народного Фронта» и Свободной демократической партии в России. С 90-го года стала народным депутатом РСФСР и Ленсовета. Тогда в мэрии Анатолия Собчака на должности председателя комитета по внешним связям трудился Владимир Путин. В 92-м Салье возглавляет комиссию горсовета по расследованию его деятельности. По итогам комиссия предлагает мэру Собчаку отправить Путина в отставку — они заподозрили будущего президента в коррупции и хищении средств. Скандал был связан с лицензиями на вывоз за границу сырья и цветных металлов, которые выдавались под поставки в город продуктов. Градоначальник призывы комиссии проигнорировал.

Сегодня Марину Салье похоронили на Серафимовском кладбище. Она умерла от инфаркта, ей было 77 лет. В своем последнем публичном выступлении — 4 февраля на митинге «За честные выборы» в Санкт-Петербурге — она выразила надежду, что результаты ее расследований когда-нибудь дойдут до суда, сообщает ИА REGNUM.


24 марта 2012
  • 25 марта 2012, 05:30
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<span class=»normalprice «>$917.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class=»productSpecialPrice «>$159.00</span><span class=»productPriceDiscount «><br />Save:&nbsp;83% off</span></span>

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<div id=»productDescription« class=»productGeneral biggerText «><strong>JUICY Handbag 0813 Pink&Coffee</strong> will remind people of a better look, comfort, luxury. <br />The material which is durable, fashionable and available at reasonable rates.<br />So do not hasitate to buy a on sale luxury <strong>JUICY Handbag 0813 Pink&Coffee</strong>. <br /> Name:JUICY Handbag 0813 Pink&Coffee<br /> Color:Pink&Coffee <br /> Place of origin: USA</div>

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For starters, not almost all ski resorts are merely open to get winter activities with the winter — the Timberline within Oregon is actually open every year, and a lot of other rental accommodations have lengthy seasons. Some snowboarding resorts get other activities during a spring as well as summer. Strangely to bear in mind is of which everything during the ski holiday label offers open choices; the date in the vacation which ski resort it will take, the different sort of winter activities, or that services which will be required. <br />
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Should you have a relatives, choosing a new ski turn that welcomes family as well as children can be important to be aware of, as don′t assume all ski accommodations are well suited for beginner skiers. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.afforduggboots.com/ugg-classic-mini-boots-c-11.html »>Cheap UGG Classic Mini Boots</a></strong>The surface and companies in a lot of them are tailored only towards advanced skiers, which tips out virtually any first-timers pertaining to safety reasons no matter the ages. If this can be a family′s new skiing, check out online designed for ski accommodations with specific beginner spots, in accessory to course instructors and courses. <br />
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Some rental accommodations offer package deals with slower and very easy lessons with regard to small loved ones groups, with transportation on the the surface of the beginner downward slope area. An entire day in learning, correct skis, shoes or boots, poles, and also a two 60 minutes lesson. <strong><a href=«http://www.afforduggboots.com/womens-ugg-boots-c-31.html »>women′s ugg boots</a></strong>As well as, emergencies accomplish arise, so when there is if you need to cancel? If your resort doesn′t need this and also if a few features typically are not available that is definitely really desired or required, look someplace else — almost all ski areas want your small business! A fresh family finding out how to ski is known as a learner′s advertise, because with no satisfied prospects, they may not be operating. <br />
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It is likewise smart to not only start looking for snowboarding and snowboarding activities, and also other activities you need to do. Some worth mentioning activities may just be:special dining-out community sites; Apres-Ski activities including concerts, golf equipment, or day by day events with the ski location; other cold weather activities including tubing as well as snowboarding; sight-seeing; shopping pertaining to things you′re sure you will possess room to use home; plus checking out historical sites for a lot of resorts can be extremely exciting plus educational. <br />
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It′s time for it to plan family members vacation -- and everyone would like go snowboarding, but except if skiing is conducted 24 hours at a row, a break on occasion before returning to the actual slopes isn′t just fun, nevertheless exciting. <br />
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Where relatives will snooze and eat is equally as important because skiing by itself, unless that ski resort is at driving mileage of dwelling. <strong><a href=«http://www.afforduggboots.com/ugg-classic-cardy-boots-c-8.html »>Buy UGG Classic Cardy Boots</a></strong>Check to view of you can get slope condo properties available. For the whole family unit, sometimes this can be an alternative, as you do not have to fear of finding transport to and with the slopes each day. They typically have a few bedrooms, a dining area or taking in area, and also a kitchen. The bucks a family will save you on dinning establishments for 3 meals on a daily basis, plus that convenience, will over make up for the included price belonging to the condominium. If your condominium has gone out, see if you find a suite which has a kitchenette. <br />
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Should you have a motor vehicle, make sure there exists outside admittance to the protecting spot with regard to skies as well as boots, or carries a closet inside because of their storage. Comfort at the reasonable rate must be a increased priority, especially towards the end of a single day on that slopes. Hurting muscles, frosty, and tired might take on a different meaning the 1st time or 2 out. See whenever they have a work out room, share, Jacuzzi, or possibly a sauna, not simply for your physique but for your children′s «left-over» degree of energy! <br />
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This simply means dressing with layers because that might allow typically the snowboarder to adapt to sudden adjustments in temps and drop layers which have been not requested and reduces the risk for overheating or even pushing an excess of the limits of stamina. The significant concerns for you to successful layering are to last warm, weigh the most suitable amount in addition to manage seepage and pack the best number involving layers. <strong><a href=«http://www.bootsmanager.com/ »>ugg boot sale</a></strong>This may perhaps mean using the three stratum system which is designed for the flavor winter sports. <br />
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One could start off with knickers and socks which is called the interior layer this also snowboarding gear aids you to trap warmth with body while too wicking moisture off from the pores and skin. This can be followed by just a middle layer that involves general apparel or a fleece jacket providing you with added insulation and also transfers moisture to the next layer. The outermost layer is utilized for safeguard from a blowing wind and rain so to expel unwelcome moisture. There are a lot variations in regards to what snowboarding machines to wear plus the reasons just for wearing it again. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.bootsmanager.com/ »>ugg clearance</a></strong><br />
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Socks, hiking footwear, thermal under garment and pants, jackets, beanies, a terrific way to and helmets<br />
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The actual layer associated with snowboarding gear must be made from materials in which trap warm air next towards user′s physique and for this purpose one will probably choose made of wool and down. Fleece coats or sweaters can be a second tier snowboarding apparel and fleece is often a major component that allows retain warmth which is lightweight and so easy to breathe. Thermal pants must be as well as the put faitth on layer and really should be roomy and another should ensure that there′s no pinching with the crotch vicinity. No baseball gear can be complete without having snowboarding shoes or boots who assist in keeping the snowboarder connected to the snowboard and deciding upon quality snowboard boots can last for long time. Finally, one could complete the snowboarding tools requirements which has a beanie, chapeau or motorcycle helmet. <strong><a href=«http://www.bootsmanager.com/ugg-classic-tall-5815-c-13.html »>Cheap UGG Boots</a></strong>If an individual has a bank membership, then you have got heard regarding Internet depositing. If you choose computers habitually or not, Internet business banking could truly be beneficial to you. There are a huge number of benefits to make sure you Internet banking, and the moment used well they′re able to replace everyone functions of this regular savings. If you should know a great deal more then areas of the advantages of online deposit. <strong><a href=«http://www.bootsmanager.com/ugg-nightfall-5359-c-18.html »>Discount UGG Boots</a></strong><br />
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Most major shoe stores carry a limited amount involving paintball supply markers, and / or guns, not to mention clothing together with gear fashion accessories. To fill yourwants of a large number of paintball gamers however, some store or simply Internet blog is much more logical. <br />
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It is actually, therefore, somewhat disheartening to read the paper this article by Laura Tiffany, over the career choices of modern day teens:<br />
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General Prostate Cancer malignancy Information — most of the population features a prostate gland but what amount of people actually understand it is usually? What dealing? And just what conditions may affect the prostate? <br />
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The prostate is situated in all males on the mammal group of the pet animal world, among them humans. It counterbalances associated with the the reproductive system system with the male and it′s an exocrine gland. <strong><a href=«http://www.linktiffanyjewelry.com/tiffany-bracelets-c-20.html »>cheap tiffany bracelets</a></strong>This simply means it secretes the very smooth it produces into ducts. The prostates operate in life is almost always to produce, store and also secrete a definitive fluid for the period of moments regarding orgasm. This h2o helps bring the sperm straight from the body and is the reason for one third of your volume expelled for the period of ejaculation. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.linktiffanyjewelry.com/tiffany-rings-c-18.html »>tiffany ring</a></strong><br />
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The prostate is positioned at that outlet with the bladder and also surrounds that urethra (tube your urines moves through); what′s more , sits with the outer wall with the rectum. <br />
<br />
Disorders of this particular prostate<br />
<br />
Amyloid<br />
<br />
Normally influencing men who ? re more more mature in age group, Amyloid (known mainly because Corpora amylacea) can be described as dense collecting calcified required protein based matter that collects inside the prostates ducts defining it as difficult to your prostate to liberate fluid. <br />
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Effortlessly can moreover mean you can find other underpinning issues while in the prostate region. <br />
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Prostatitis<br />
<br />
Prostatitis is a lot of inflammation on the prostate, in the future the inflammation helps make the prostate swell in proportions causing the tubes using urine to turn into blocked making it feel like difficult and even painful to be able to urinate, if urination is attainable at most of. <br><strong><a href=«http://www.linktiffanyjewelry.com/tiffany-necklaces-c-22.html »>tiffany necklaces</a></strong><br />
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Cancerous prostatic hyperplasia<br />
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Almost like Prostatis, Benign prostatic hyperplasia will be name provided for a condition where prostate will get enlarged, there′s nothing caused as a result of inflammation but is a really natural occurrence eventually and mostly affects any older mens population. <br />
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Effortlessly can hinder the urinary pontoons or quit urination simply being possible overall. <br />
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Prostate cancer<br />
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If you want to possess prostate cancer tumor information is crucial to you if you happen to male and over 50. Prostate cancer certainly is the most dangerous of most prostate problems and it′s factors behind cancer hitting older guys. <strong><a href=«http://www.linktiffanyjewelry.com/tiffany-key-chain-c-21.html »>Tiffany Key Chain</a></strong>Prostate cancer is furthermore a condition that will kill without difficulty; this happens because the malignant cells survive and multiple rampant, moving towards other system of the body just like the bones and additionally nearby internal tissue. <br />
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Factors behind symptoms with prostate tumors are which it can damage in the fewer abdominal section during urination, difficulty urinating together with cause less ability to get an lovemaking. There are a great many other symptoms needed for prostate cancer malignancy, but they are simply more slight. <br />
<br />
Summary<br />
<br />
It happens to be commonly recommended that men in which are more mature in age needs to have regular rectal exams from them doctor so that the prostate will be checked. Beforehand earlier, the prostate sits with outer wall for the rectum. <br />
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For people who are smaller in age it can be vital that they′re just educated within the affects that prostate is wearing the physique. If we′re able to educate younger generation it′s going to mean which will greater concentration is presented to finding a remedy and ensure it is easier for the purpose of men to give up suffering alone. . <br><br><a href=«http://blog.buyswarovskicrystal.com»> Link blog </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.ibagshop.org»> Link </a><br><br><a href=«http://blog.tiffanycompany.org»> About linktiffanyjewelry.com blog </a>
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